Carpet Masters Blog

The 4 Top Causes of Dust in the Home

Dust is one allergen known for accumulating and developing inside a home. According to the National Library of Medicine, approximately 80 to 90% of the dust that accumulates in a home stems from dust mites. There are a lot of causes for dust in a home from pets or occupants living in the home, products used for cleaning the home, and even the lack of cleaning in the home. These are just some of the major causes of dust in your house. Dust can cause you and your loved ones to develop respiratory issues which is why it’s important to find ways of eliminating dust in your home. Some reasons

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3 Benefits of Having Your Carpet Professionally Cleaned

Carpeting is a staple of many households. It provides a cushioned surface for walking. A carpet also enhances the look of your home. On top of these benefits lies the need to have your carpeting cleaned professionally. According to recent research by NCCA, about 90% of individuals admit to eating food that may drop on their carpets. The following are some benefits of professionally cleaning your carpet.   1. Promotes a Safer and Healthier Home As you and your family live life in your home, dirt and germs tend to build up on the carpeting. The most effective way to prevent irritants from building up is by cleaning your carpet

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Can A Dirty Carpet Affect My Health?

Carpets can harbor a variety of filth, bacteria, and allergens that are not visible to the eye but can be damaging to your health. Because most people spend up to 90% of their time inside, many people are constantly in contact with these infectious substances found in unclean carpets, putting us at risk of health problems. Here are five health concerns that dirty carpets could cause. Asthma and Respiratory Issues Dirty carpets can store a range of contaminants that can cause respiratory irritation or worsen asthma. Dust mites, mold, and other allergens may trigger respiratory disease and provoke asthma attacks, among other allergic problems. Skin Problems Nearly 75% of individuals

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3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Deep Cleaning Your Carpets

Proper home cleaning and maintenance is the best way to ensure that your carpets look clean and vibrant. Professional deep cleaning is worth the money for many people because they want their carpeting to look its best. 70% of people use furniture to cover up stains instead of cleaning them up. If you need your carpets deep cleaned here are three reasons why you should hire a professional for the job. Deep Cleaning Strips Out Dust Mites and Allergens Dust mites are microscopic, almost invisible to the naked eye. However, they can significantly impact indoor air quality. If dust mites are present in your home, you can likely expect to

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What are Dust Mites and Can Carpet Cleaning Help Get Rid of Them?

Most people have heard of dust mites but do not know what they are or what they can do. It may not be good news to hear that these microscopic insects live off the dead skin of human beings and animals. This is why it is not unusual that these insects live inside a home. The worst thing to learn about these insects is the human eye cannot detect them. They can invade most of the things a regular person uses every day, like the couch, bed, carpet, or even a person’s clothes. These insects produce a lot of waste, and it is this waste that human beings should worry

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Can Carpet Cleaning Completely Eliminate Dog and Cat Urine Stains And Odors?

Can Carpet Cleaning Completely Eliminate Dog and Cat Urine Stains And Odors? We love our pets. They know when we are sad or ill, so they closely watch over us. We love them for their unconditional love, those big brown doggie eyes, and their smile and tail wag when they see us. We love our cats when they perch in our laps, purring. We appreciate when they curl up on the bed with us at night. They, too, watch over us if we are sad or ill. As much as we love them, though, they have one habit that makes us crazy. When pets wet the carpet, the dog and

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Why Choose Us?​

Asset 3@300x

Licensed, Bonded and Insured

Carpet Masters is fully licensed, bonded and insured, so you never have to worry about damage to your home. We’ve got you covered!

Asset 3@300x

24/7 Emergency Cleaning Services

Get experienced help any time of the day or night! If your home or office experiences a fire, flood or other disaster and you need immediate cleaning help, contact Carpet Masters. We can get your carpets, tile, upholstery and air ducts fresh and clean again in no time.

Asset 3@300x

Highly Trained, Expert Technicians

We only work with certified and trained technicians who are hand-picked, professionally screened and never subcontracted. Our dedicated and experienced cleaning staff is focused on keeping every property looking its best by relying on the most effective techniques.


Why do pet stains need to be professionally treated?

Typical household cleaners will not eliminate the pet urine contaminants that can seep down into the carpet padding. The stain needs to be pretreated with a neutralizer that breaks down the pet urine and then followed up with a deep contaminant extraction cleaning.

Should I get my carpet deodorized or protected?

Deodorizing should be done if there are pet odor, smoke or any other odors in the carpet. Carpet protector will help maintain the life of the carpet longer and makes subsequent cleaning of dirt, spills or any other types of stains much easier.

How do I get rid of tough stains on my carpet?

Some stains such as wine, coffee, and pet urine are extremely difficult to be removed and should be professionally cleaned. Some household cleaners can make it more difficult to remove tougher stains, especially stains that seep into the padding. If they are professionally cleaned wicking can occur.

What is wicking?

Wicking is the result of soil trapped in carpet padding or subflooring that moves to the tips of carpet fibers as it dries after cleaning. A carpet stain is like an iceberg. Wicking is the visible tip of the iceberg that indicates the stain is still present below.

How long will it take for my carpet to dry after they are professionally cleaned?

With our low-pressure system passive approach, depending on the humidity level, typically it can take 3-5 hours. Higher traffic areas require more cleaning, so the drying time is usually a bit higher. Higher humidity levels can extend the drying time.

Do I need to stay off the carpets after having them professionally cleaned?

We recommend that you stay off the carpets until they have dried. Activity on the carpet should be, at least, limited while drying. It may be walked on with clean white socks or shoe covers provided by Carpet Masters. As a general rule though, keep your children and pets from lying or playing on wet carpet.

What method does Carpet Masters use to clean carpets?

Carpet Masters uses low pressure, low moisture, and high vacuum method. The high vacuum method Carpet Masters uses is about twice as high as most of the carpet cleaning companies in the area. As a result, the carpet dries faster and is cleaner than the competitions.

What are the health advantages of a cleaner carpet?

Carpets act as a filter for your home, trapping dust pet dander and other pollutants. Having your carpets regularly cleaned can reduce or eliminate potential pollutants, mold and dust mite prevention, and indoor air quality. When the contaminants get deeply penetrated in the carpet, you can find breathing difficult. People who have asthma and allergies can usually breathe more comfortably after cleaning the carpets properly by the professionals. Carpet cleaning improves indoor air quality and reduces the chances of allergen-induced problems.

What's the best way to select a professional carpet cleaner in the Fort Wayne area?

Experience and reputation are major factors when determining who you want to clean your carpets. Carpets Masters of Fort Wayne has been cleaning Fort Wayne carpets since 1991 and comes highly recommended by our previous customers, as well as having an A+ rating with the BBB. Carpet Masters of Fort Wayne is also insured, bonded and highly trained.

Are allergies impacted by carpet cleaning?

The most common allergens that may trigger asthma, like pollen, pet dander, mold, and dust mites, settle indoors. The microscopic antigens thrive on a variety of surfaces at home, such as carpets, upholstered furniture, and heavy curtains. Professional carpet cleaning can remove these antigens and improve indoor air quality.

Does Carpet masters of Fort Wayne charge to move the furniture before cleaning the carpets?

We at Carpet masters do not charge for moving the furniture to have your carpets cleaned. We do recommend that you move anything on the end tables, coffee tables, etc.

Can pet odors be completely eliminated?

Pet odors can never be 100% completely eliminated, but having your carpets cleaned and treated properly can help neutralize the contaminants so it’s not as easily detected by humans. This applies more so for dogs than cats. Cat urine is more difficult to remove than a dog, and the age of a cat also has an impact as to the strength of the urine odor. An older animal can produce a stronger urine smell than a younger animal, based on the amount of protein produced in the urine.

How do I prepare before getting my carpets cleaned?

Vacuum the areas that you are going to have cleaned, if possible, and remove all breakable items such as lamps, bric-a-brac, and knick-knacks, toys on the carpet, plants or magazine racks. Please lets us know beforehand if there are any areas that need special attention such as high traffic areas or special stains, and the cause of those stains if possible.

Why do brown spots appear sometimes after cleaning my carpets?

This commonly referred to as wicking, which is the result of soil trapped in carpet padding or subflooring that moves to the tips of carpet fibers as it dries after cleaning. Berber carpet tends to wick more because it is a plastic fiber called polypropylene, whereas nylon will not wick as much as Berber. Nylon carpet holds the stain in the fibers better than Berber.

How long does it take to have my carpets cleaned?

Each home is unique in determining the time it takes to clean the carpets. The type of fiber the carpet is composed of, how dirty the carpets are, how much furniture needs to be moved, the types of stains, traffic areas, and size of carpets cleaned all have an effect on how long the carpet cleaning process will take.

Can fleas be eliminated from my carpets by having them professionally cleaned?

Carpet cleaning itself will not completely eliminate a flea problem. The first step is to have a professional exterminator to assess your flea problem. After they assess and treat the flea problem, Carpet Masters follows up with a thorough steam cleaning. Cleaning can help with a pest problem, but only for adult or dead pests and their droppings.

Professional carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning helps to lift adult fleas, bugs, and some of their eggs from carpet and upholstery fibers and removes dead pests and their droppings. This helps to make your carpet look, smell, and feel better as well as making the carpet and soft furnishings more hygienic.

Why should I hire a professional carpet cleaner instead of doing it myself?

Sometimes the rented carpet cleaners use a soap that leaves a residue behind which attracts dirt. Rented steam cleaners are not as powerful as those used by professional carpet cleaning companies. DIY steam cleaning not only may be less efficient as it leaves a percentage of the allergens behind because the water is extracted less effectively.

How often should I have my carpets cleaned?

There are many variables when deciding how often to have your carpets cleaned. The amount of traffic, the presence of pets or children, allergies, or if significant staining has occurred all figure into how often the carpets should be professionally cleaned. It is typically recommended to have the carpets cleaned once every 12-18 months.